Why Sauna?
Saunas have a rich history spanning several cultures and centuries. The Finns, Romans and Native Americans are among several civilizations that recognize the power of heat for health and well-being.
In ancient times, saunas were spaces for purification, bonding and rituals. Today, we have an opportunity to tap into this timeless tradition and unlock its benefits.
Infrared vs Traditional Saunas: Infrared saunas heat your body from the inside out using safe, gentle infrared light rays similar to warmth from the sun minus the UV light. This heat penetrates the skin where a traditional sauna heats up the surface of the skin.
Infrared panels vs heating element
110-140 degrees vs 150-200 degrees
Deep penetrating heat vs superficial heat
Infrared induced sweat vs heat induced sweat
No humidity vs potentially high humidity
Stress Relief: Soothing heat can ease tension, promoting relaxation.
Pain Management: Infrared heat can help release tight muscles and loosen stiff joints.
Better Blood Flow: Enhanced circulation nourishes muscles, organs and tissues.
Better Breathing: Get relief from respiratory conditions by opening up airways.
Stronger Immunity: Infrared saunas have been shown to stimulate white blood cell production.
Heart Health: Time in an infrared sauna can trigger the production of heat shock proteins. These proteins are produced in response to the heat stress experienced in the sauna. Heat shock proteins can reduce oxidative stress and repair damaged proteins. They are like a protective squad for your cells, including the ones in your heart. Your heart rate also increases as your body heats up.
Fire It Up: Your metabolism, that is. While in the sauna, your metabolism increases up to 30%. It is thought that this increase is sustained beyond your session, but amount and duration aren’t as clear.
Glowing Skin: The heat of the sauna opens your pores helping you sweat out impurities, leaving your skin radiant. Infrared heat supports the production of collagen, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Detox: Not to take away from the job that your liver and kidneys perform, sweating directly removes superficial toxins, relaxation decreases stress hormones, and the production of heat shock proteins may repair tissues at the cellular level.
Contraindications and Precautions: Despite the benefits, there are factors that can negatively impact your tolerance to the heat of an infrared sauna. These can include certain medications, heart conditions, pregnancy, and conditions that affect your ability to sweat or perspire. These are spelled out in greater detail on your Sauna Use Agreement/waiver. If in doubt, check with your physician prior to use.
To get the most from your Sauna Treatment Session:
Hydrate Before and After: Drink water before your session and keep sipping afterwards to replenish fluids lost through sweating.
Dress Comfortably: Minimal lightweight clothing allows the infrared heat to penetrate your skin more effectively.
Relax and Breath Deeply: Take slow deep breaths to help your body relax and maximize the stress-relieving benefits of the heat,
Listen to Your Body: If you feel dizzy or overheated, open the door for air or step out for a few minutes. Notify staff if you need further assistance.